Monday, June 28, 2010

why do you have to get a license to drive a car or go fishing but not to have a kid?

a few weeks ago i was running errands all day. during one of the many stops, i tried to pull into a parking spot but the car next to me was too close to the line so i drove around to find another spot. each time that i tried to pull into a spot the other cars were parked so bad that i couldn't fit (that will be a topic for another blog) so i drove back to that original spot and squeezed my car in. as i was getting out of my car i noticed a child alone in the car next to me (the car that was parked so badly)! i am not the most observant person and i was busy gathering my stuff ...and i almost didn't even notice her, but i thank the Lord that He put me there at that time!

it was over 90 degrees outside and her father had left this 4 year old little girl in the car with the windows up! i went in to the store and immediately told the store clerk and then we went back outside and called 911 and i got the little girl to unlock the door so i could get her out. she also wasn't in a car seat but i guess in this case that was a good thing because she wouldn't have been able to unlock the door if she had been strapped in. she was so hot and was about to throw up! we took her in the store and got her some water while we waited for the police officer.

apparently, the dad of the little girl was going to the DMV and when he parked he realized that his daughter was asleep so he left her in the car with the window (barely) cracked! he had been in there for at least 30 minutes when i saw the little girl. i don't understand how people can be so stupid, ignorant, careless!


  1. Absolutely ridiculous!! Glad you were there for her sweet little self! And the no carseat thing will get me *really* riled up ~ People have a RESPONSIBILITY to PROTECT their children. Ugh!!!
