Tuesday, March 16, 2010

interesting things about me

1. i have NO patience (inherited from my dad).
2. i hate to snuggle - if anyone (even my kids) are touching me i cannot sleep!
3. i love rap music and country music - not really a "normal" mix.
4. i watch way too much tv - thank God for tivo! i don't know how people who had kids ever watched television before tivo was invented. my husband is so annoyed by how much stuff I have recorded and never get a chance to watch (kids are always around)!
5. i used to read books but have given that up since having kids (it takes me at least a week to get through a magazine).
6. the only reason that i like to do cardio is so i can read a magazine (see #5) but i love to lift weights.
7. i don't drink soft drinks at all (don't like the carbonation).
8. my whole life i've wanted to be a mom and housewife. i love it, but it is the most challenging job that i have ever had!
9. my hubby and i have been together for more than 17 years. that's over half of my life!
10. i'm a germ-a-phobe!
11. i love food! i actually will think about what my next meal will be before i finish the meal i'm already eating!
12. feet gross me out yet i wear flip-flops (almost) year-round!
13. i've never had short hair. the shortest its ever been was just past my shoulders and the longest was past my waist.
14. i'm a right-wing, conservative republican yet i watch the view every day. (i guess i like to torture myself!)
15. i'm a casual girl (my "uniform" is jeans and a tank top or hoodie). i'd rather be underdressed than overdressed anyday!
16. i sucked my thumb until i was over 10 years old. i didn't do it at school or in front of my friends but as soon as i got home i would have to get my "fix" (like a drug addict)
17. i'm an awesome bargain hunter! i often get food and household items for free (or the store pays me) and i've bought clothes from target and old navy for less than a dollar!
18. i hate to be cold - give me 100 degrees in the shade anyday!
19. i can't stand the sound of apples being chewed - it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me!!
20. i love the 80's! i wanted to dress like madonna and cyndi lauper (circa 1983) but i was only 8 and my mother would not let me. now the 80's style is coming back and i'm too old to dress like that. can you imagine the looks that i would get dropping my kids off at school dressed like madonna in her like a virgin video!? i am having an 80's theme for my 35th birthday party in a few weeks though!

i think this pretty much sums it up. it all makes perfect sense now doesn’t it?!

weirdos need love too.

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