Friday, March 5, 2010

if you watch only one show...

...make it the soup on e! the great thing about the soup is that they show (and make fun of) all of the crazy things that have happened on reality tv for the week - which is the whole reason i watch reality tv!

i am the queen of reality television (just ask my husband). if i could, i would spend all day watching reality tv but "my reality" does not allow that! i tivo and then eventually watch celebrity fit club, celebrity rehab, toddlers & tiaras, little miss perfect, keeping up with the kardashians (even though i don't like any of them), the hills, the city, kendra, girls next door, my life on the "d" list, 16 and pregnant, teen mom, real world (which was of course the original reality show), brooke knows best, all of the real housewives, and the list goes on! i know that it sounds like a lot but each of those shows have a short season (maybe 2 months) and they are staggered throughout the year. and like i said, it takes me forever to get around to watching them - usually while i'm folding clothes or cleaning.

and when i do miss a show i can see the highlights on the soup!

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