Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"what the hell?" wednesday

have you watched the show "toddlers in tiaras"? what the hell? these "pageant moms" start these kids out early - some of them at just a few days old - the "late bloomers" at 10 months! i just don't get it! the natural pageants might be okay but these glitz pageants are nuts! by "glitz pageant", i mean fake teeth, fake hair, fake nails, fake tan, fake eyelashes - on a five year old. these girls are being told "you're so pretty but" ... you need fake everything!

then these little girls get on stage and make crazy faces that are supposed to look cute. i have never seen anyone in real life make faces like this! the funniest part is watching these overweight moms that are living their dreams through their child making the faces to prompt their "little darlings"!!

another thing that i don't get about why they do these pageants is the families spend thousands of dollars "preparing" the child for it and then the maximum prize is $600 - $1,000! I don't think it takes a math major to figure out that you are spending more than what is possibly coming in! they say that they are doing it for college money but if they would just take the money that they are spending and put it in a savings account they would have plenty to put their "little darling" into college!

hey pageant moms, what are you teaching your child? that being beautiful is the most important thing in life and to be beautiful you have to completely change yourself! of course, i think that my girls are beautiful but i have absolutely no desire to put them through all of this pageant crap! and really, these girls are cuter before they are all "made up" because they end up looking like freaky little dolls by the time the moms are done with them!

oh, and in case you want to watch, it will be on tonight on tlc at 9 pm - i'll be watching!

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