one of my favorite magazines is us weekly and one of the items in each issue is where they have a celebrity tell what all they have in their purse. i'm by no means a celebrity but i thought i would do that too. i have a lot of random stuff in my purse (which explains why it weighs about 12 pounds)!
notebook and pen - i will forget anything and everything if i don't write it down immediately so i have numerous lists going at all times! shopping lists, to-do lists, people to call, bills to pay, etc.
my phone - i will turn around and go home to get it if i forget it. how did we ever leave without cell phones?
sunglasses - i can't walk to the mailbox without sunglasses
keys - usually buried at the bottom of my purse
koozie - because that's just how redneck i am!
hair brush, clean and clear face blotters, chapstick
ipod touch - has all my music, games for me, games for the kids (to keep them occupied)
pictures of the kids
wallet with checkbook, cash, credit cards
coupon holder - i would be so upset if i lost my coupon holder!
day planner (because i can't remember any appointments or obligations if they are not written down)