my nephew was born 2 weeks ago today! his name is james hinton and he is ADORABLE!! i just got back home yesterday from visiting him -- oh, and i did see my brother and sister-in-law too!
i have been around quite a few newborn babies in my life and i have to say that this baby is the most easy-going, happiest baby that i've ever met! i thought my babies were pretty easy - my oldest slept for most of the night by the time she was 10 days old and neither of them had colic or anything like that so they didn't cry excessively but i definitely had quite a few nights of standing up (because somehow they know if you are sitting or standing) and bouncing a crying baby to try to get them to quiet down and go to sleep!
for the five days that i was up there, this little boy ONLY cried when his diaper was being changed and that's mainly just because he was ready to eat! he would wake up, they would change his diaper, she would feed him for 30 minutes, burp him and he was back to sleep for 3-7 hours at a time! the few times that he didn't fall fast asleep he still didn't cry he would just swing in his swing or look around. i am so happy that they got such an adorable, happy baby but they may be in for a big shock if their next baby doesn't behave the same as this little angel!
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