Sunday, September 13, 2009

where does my day go?

as a stay-at-home mom, one thing that really ticks me off is when people ask "gee, what do you do all day?" grrr! but even i, myself, sometimes lie in bed at night (exhausted) and wonder where my day went!

i always have a million little jobs that i need to do - they don't necessarily take that much time or energy but it is lots of little things that add up. i don't have enough time to do everything i need to do even once so one of my biggest pet peeves is having to do the same thing two (or even three times)! when a computer malfunctions and i have to redo something i've been working on or i call a doctors office and they never call me back so i have to keep calling them. these kind of things are small jobs but when they happen a lot (which they do) they definitely add up and it stresses me out trying to remember everything! that's one reason why i love lists - because the satisfaction i get from making that little check mark is priceless! (i know, i'm sad!)

and i get so distracted throughout the day. example - i needed to return something i bought online so i went to get the book from the laundry room, i get in there and think "i should put the clothes in the dryer" so i do that and then think "i should start a new load" so i go to gather the clothes and as i get in the bedroom i notice that there are lots of cups on the bedside tables "i should go put those in the dishwasher" so i take them to the kitchen and remember "i haven't laid anything out for dinner yet" and so on. by the end of the day, i haven't returned the book, haven't started any more laundry, haven't run the dishwasher and don't have anything to cook for dinner! throw a kid in there asking me for something and my day is shot!

okay, i have to go and try to return a book now!

1 comment:

  1. Yep! That's so my life. Only I don't even have one at home still ~ she goes to school all day. But throw in time at the school, a husband with a crazy schedule that has him home during the days some, etc .... it does get so crazy!
