**mom, you won't care anything about this post (and probably won't know who many of these people are)!
i read enough people and us magazines that i felt the need to give my thoughts on whose side i am on in some of the celebrity news stories:
team kate - yeah kate gosselin nags and is very bossy and controlling. you know, secretly maybe that's why i like her (because she reminds me a little of me). if jon had acted like a decent human being after their split, i probably would be on his side (or at least neutral) but now i think he is one of the biggest tools on the planet! with his huge diamond studs and his tacky ed hardy shirts and traipsing all over the world with his bimbo of the week and hanging out with his new buddy, michael lohan (who is another douche bag). i mean come on! if you want to garner any sympathy points go get a nice normal job and get a place to live (somewhere near your eight kids) and don't go telling anyone who will listen that you "despise" your kids mother and that you never
really loved her! those kids will see that someday!
team jessica - okay, maybe jessica simpson was controlling and needy but come on tony romo, you dump her the day before her 29th birthday! even if he did want to break up with her, couldn't he have waited until the day after! unless she was cheating on him, i see no reason that it couldn't have waited. not only did he dump her - he took away her birthday! not to mention the fact that she gave him a $100,000 boat for his birthday a month earlier!
team anyone-but-speidi - i can't stand these two fame whores - spencer pratt and heidi montag totally deserve each other! i wish they would go live in some remote jungle - oh wait, they did that. maybe this time they can go and never come back! they say the stupidest shit just to get publicity! now that lauren conrad and whitney port are no longer on the hills, i don't know if i will even watch it. i guess i'll find out in a week when the show starts back up again!
team taylor swift - well, duh! what kind of ass clown would really take kanye's side?! if "george bush doesn't like black people" maybe kanye west doesn't like white people!