my brother, his wife and son with my mom and me at my nephew's baptism
me with my newest godson
my brother and his mini-me
my mom with her only grandson and the blanket that she knitted for him
can you tell that i like to eat crawfish?
my little one at pre-k graduation
our family at the little one's graduation
my precocious one with her certificate for having straight a's all year
my precocious one and her second grade teacher
my little one swimming in the lake
summer evening's at the lake - swimming and eating hot dogs
me and the hubby at an all-day country music festival (it was so hot!)
me and the hubby at a dirt bike race that his brother and nephews were racing in
the girls with their "racing" cousin
my precocious one getting a bit too comfy on that four wheeler

my girls

look at those blue eyes!

my little one swimming in the pool
my precocious one swimming in the pool
me and the hubby on a date night