Monday, January 3, 2011

sick and tired of being sick and tired

i like my kids pediatrician and all but i am really getting tired of seeing her lately! in the last month and a half, my precocious one has had strep (twice) and then a horrible cough (which kept her from being able to go to church on christmas eve). i thought she was pretty much over it but she ended up missing school today (the first day back after christmas break)!

the little one had an ear infection in her right ear and then two weeks later i had to take her back to the doctor and lo and behold, she has an infection in her OTHER ear and it has spread to an infection in her eye and she too has a horrible cough!

last week, i was planning to go and see my 90 year old grandmother and visit with my aunts, uncles and cousins! the pediatrician advised me not to take them to see her because of all of their ailments. i was really looking forward to this trip because my immediate family is pretty small (especially with my brother living in chicago with his family) so sometimes i don't feel like we have much "family time" for the holidays with my side of the family. we have plenty of visiting with the hubby's family - in fact we can see all of them on just about any old tuesday night because everyone lives right here!

i was also sick on christmas day - vomiting (and other stuff), aches all over, chills and headaches. we are not usually a "sickly" family and this does help to put into perspective how blessed we really are with (normally) good health, but i do have to say that i am ready to stop playing nurse-maid and have everyone back up and running!

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