yesterday it was 75 degrees and today it's below freezing outside and snowing - only in texas! people joke about having to check the weather report before getting dressed but i thought that was totally normal. if i haven't watched the news before picking out my clothes, i will call time-and-temperature to see what it's like outside (and primarily what it WILL be like)! about the only time you don't need to worry about it is in the dead of summer because you KNOW it will be hot!!
the snow is pretty but only if i get to stay in the house and watch it! i sure as hell don't want to get out in it! unfortunately, i think i have influenced my kids to feel the same way. i asked them if they wanted to go out and play in the snow and they said "no, it's too cold and wet". they are 3 and 6 - they are supposed to love playing in the snow!! i even had to force them to go out in the yard for a few minutes just to get a picture of them in the snow!
we just found out that our church has cancelled Christmas eve services (that is always my favorite church service of the year) because the streets are getting too bad to drive on. i hope all of our family will be able to make it over to our house tonight (and to go back home to their houses tonight too)! :-) a white Christmas sounds great in the story books but it is actually kind of a pain unless you can stay "holed up" in your own house!
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