does it make me a bad mom that i'm happy for my daughter to go back to school? i must not be the only person that feels this way because there is a commercial out right now that portrays this. it's the best commercial! the dad has a huge smile on his face and is skipping and gliding through the office supply store getting school supplies with "it's the most wonderful time of the year" playing in the background and the kids look ticked. it is so funny (and true)!
yes, i do now have to get up early (which i hate) and i'm already sick of making lunches everyday and i have no patience for doing homework with her at night and i feel like i'm always in the car (driving her to and from school, to gymnastics, etc.), but i was still happy for her to start back to school! for my own selfish reasons - it's much easier to get things done with only one kid, the first grader hates to shop and makes my life hell when i have to take her to stores, and i don't have to listen to the first grader fight with my little one, but i'm also happy for her to be back in school because she needs to read, write and do schoolwork and she does not take constructive criticism well from me at all. that is why i could never homeschool (well, one of the many reasons)! we did have many days this summer of reading and doing workbooks but it was so stressful because she can only handle being told what to do by someone other than her mother!
she was so excited on the first day of school (and no one cried). as we got out of the car, someone asked her what grade she was in and she said she was in 6th grade! i think she said this because she is 6 but i told her we don't need to rush her growing up anymore than she already is. she had a good first week of first grade and my little one made it 3 whole days before she broke down and started crying that she wanted to stay with her sister!